
7 Day Flat Belly Diet Challenge
Katherine Baqleh / August 12, 2014
To clear the confusion, one must be made aware that there is no single food group that will make you lose weight. At Health Victory Nutrition Experts, we do not

DAIRY fat and cardiovascular disease risk
Katherine Baqleh / November 25, 2016
Study sheds light on dairy fat and cardiovascular disease risk Published on Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (25.10.2016) Until recently, when you visited the dairy aisle, chances are

Debunking Detox
Katherine Baqleh / December 9, 2015
Debunking Detox Diets “In most cases, the liver, kidney and intestine are so good that they can overcome even the stupidity of the worst dietary insults. Juicing and cleansing,

Diet to Prevent Diabetes
Katherine Baqleh / September 1, 2015
The BBC recently led its UK national news with a story about the National Health Service (NHS) launching a Diabetes Prevention Programme in conjunction with Public Health England and

Eat your heart out (of trouble)
Katherine Baqleh / November 9, 2016
Eat your heart out (of trouble) Published in Nursing Review Magazine (Oct 11, 2016) A diet high in Omega-3 fatty acids and low in salt can help decrease the

Eggs and peanuts early in infants’ diets
Katherine Baqleh / September 29, 2016
Introduce eggs and peanuts early in infants’ diets to reduce the risk of allergies Written by Merryn Netting and Katie Allen (21.09.2016) In the 1970s, when we were in school,

Fuel Your Mental Health
Katherine Baqleh / September 2, 2016
Published in ‘Australian Hospital + Healthcare’ magazine: “Your mood and stress levels are affected by both the type and amount of food that you eat. Without enough of the right foods, it

Get the Facts: Very Common Diet Myths
admin / May 22, 2014
Here’s just a short list of very common diet myths to get you thinking… Potatoes, bread, pasta and rice are fattening. Avoiding these will make me lose weight. Bad

Gut reactions: how dietary fibre interacts with the microbiome
Katherine Baqleh / September 20, 2017
Gut reactions: how dietary fibre interacts with the microbiome The food we eat, particularly plant-based fibre, influences the composition and metabolic activity of the dense and diverse microbial community living

Healthy Recipes
Katherine Baqleh / June 14, 2015
With a wealth of recipes readily accessible online, our reliance on hard copy recipe cookbooks has significantly dropped. However, with this change comes exposure to a lot of online

Improve your healthy living with a diabetic diet plan
Katherine Baqleh / August 10, 2014
You’re diagnosed with diabetes. What next? Where do you start? Which foods do you eat? Which foods can’t you eat? Should you ditch the pasta and start eating salad?

Is getting into nature and eating shells the next health food fad?
admin / June 14, 2014
Fossil Shell Flour Let me start by sharing with you a list of ingredients from a pancake recipe I found recently: sugar, egg, fossil shell flour, vanilla essence, milk.

Is quick, cheap food killing us?
Katherine Baqleh / October 12, 2017
Is quick, cheap food killing us? The rise of cheap fast food means that dinner has never been more convenient – but the cost to Aussie families is proving

Kick It or Pick It – Healthy Swaps for Summer Entertaining
Katherine Baqleh / May 8, 2016
Kick It or Pick It – Healthy Swaps for Summer Entertaining Published in Oxygen Magazine Will you kick it or pick it?

Lower your Blood Pressure with the DASH Diet
Katherine Baqleh / July 23, 2015
Experts — First Posted 29/06/15 on Medibank Eating well is a key step in reducing blood pressure. To lower your blood pressure with the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop

No Special Diet for Type 2 Diabetes
Katherine Baqleh / January 12, 2015
How to prevent and manage type 2 diabetes through diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. More than 75% of Australians may be overweight or obese by 2030. Two million Australians

Plate Size and Portion Distortion
Katherine Baqleh / June 29, 2016
Plate Size and Portion Distortion The bigger the plate, the more you serve yourself. It is the eye that eats. In the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research,

Power of Mushrooms
Katherine Baqleh / October 4, 2016
For a healthier life, enjoy the power of mushrooms. Just 3 mushrooms a day (100g) is enough to enjoy great nutrition and health benefits. Mushrooms are a powerhouse of

Should I eat fats?
Katherine Baqleh / September 1, 2015
Fats – my favourite kitchen ingredient… Fats will increase my cholesterol Fats will clog up my arteries Fats will make my diabetes control worse Fats will make me

Should salad be part of your healthy diet?
Katherine Baqleh / August 20, 2014
Salad may seem like the healthier lunch option, but don’t be fooled. All too often, the salads available for purchase offer a poor balance of nutrition. Salads sound healthy,

Starchy carbs, not a Paleo diet, advanced the human race
Katherine Baqleh / August 12, 2015
Media Release from The University of Sydney New research suggests Palaeolithic humans would not have evolved on today’s ‘Paleo’ diet Starchy carbohydrates were a major factor in the evolution

Strange and quirky weight loss tips that work
Katherine Baqleh / June 6, 2014
How many times have you started on a new diet, only to be disappointed by the lack of results? You have probably been bombarded with new diets and new

Teatoxing your way to weight loss?
Katherine Baqleh / March 21, 2015
There’s a health trend that promises you’ll shed kilos within weeks by drinking nothing but cups of tea. What’s there to lose? A lot more than a few kilograms, it

The anti-dietitian empire
admin / July 3, 2014
Don’t hate dietitians because what we tell you doesn’t match up with what you want to hear or what a celebrity said. Don’t believe what the anti-dietitian empire or

The Science of HANGRY
Katherine Baqleh / July 23, 2015
Health check: the science of ‘hangry’, or why some people get grumpy when they’re hungry It is no doubt that the main fear holding individuals back from seeing a

Katherine Baqleh / February 2, 2016
Look after yourself with nourishing food, relaxation and gentle exercise to keep those menstrual munchies at bay. Top 6 ways to beat menstrual cravings – We all crave foods

Top trio: 3 must-have foods
Katherine Baqleh / March 7, 2017
From healthy hair to improved memory – add the Top Trio: 3 must-have foods to your weekly shopping list. Published in the Wellness section of the HESTA superfund magazine

Veggie Fiesta Tofu Stirfry – The APD Cookbook
Katherine Baqleh / February 28, 2017
“Veggie Fiesta Tofu Stirfry – The APD Cookbook” (2017) is a collation of recipes from dietitians across Australia. Enjoy one of Katherine Baqleh’s favourite recipes on page 13

What’s the Fuss About? Inspiration for Feeding Fussy Eaters
Katherine Baqleh / May 30, 2014
Turning mealtime fuss into mealtime fun “My child only eats white foods…” “My child will not eat their vegetables…” “They refuse to try new foods” “My child has lost their

Why I love legumes and why you must too! Fancy a warming Lentil Soup?
admin / June 26, 2014
I love cooking! Legumes (or pulses) are one of my favourite and most versatile group of ingredients to use. Whether it be lentils, chickpeas, beans or peas, in one