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The anti-dietitian empire

Don’t hate dietitians because what we tell you doesn’t match up with what you want to hear or what a celebrity said. Don’t believe what the anti-dietitian empire or

Why I love legumes and why you must too! Fancy a warming Lentil Soup?

I love cooking! Legumes (or pulses) are one of my favourite and most versatile group of ingredients to use. Whether it be lentils, chickpeas, beans or peas, in one

Is getting into nature and eating shells the next health food fad?

Fossil Shell Flour Let me start by sharing with you a list of ingredients from a pancake recipe I found recently: sugar, egg, fossil shell flour, vanilla essence, milk.

Get the Facts: Very Common Diet Myths

Here’s just a short list of very common diet myths to get you thinking… Potatoes, bread, pasta and rice are fattening. Avoiding these will make me lose weight. Bad